Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Selling my handmade crafts, knitted and crochet on Etsy

Wow! Has it really been 6 months since my last post? Where on earth does the time go? I must get more of the things I've made listed.

Well I've been so busy just lately, I looked in my craft cupboard and found there were so many things that I had made that were just sitting there I decided to try to sell them and raise money for a support group I am involved with.

I had a look at Etsy with a view to selling and decided to set up a shop.
You can find it here:

I'm selling mainly shawls and scarves at the moment but there are also a few other things like baby clothes and teddies.

If you fancy having a go at selling on Etsy yourself and would like 40 free listings to get you started - YES 40 FREE then use this link:

If you do buy anything - thank you so much for helping our support group.

