I have now made some animal versions, so far just a pig and a rabbit - or it could be a lamb :)
I did these in double crochet to give a tighter finish and to make adding the features a little easier than on treble crochet.
They make a crochet plastic bag holder which can fit neatly into your pocket or handbag or fit a keychain to fit to your handbag or keys, keeping the plastic bag tightly packed until needed.
Basic pattern which makes all animals or bag, just change colours accordingly, you will need:
One elastic hair band - try to match to colour of yarn if possible
Oddment of yarn - I used double knit
Crochet hook - I used 4 mm
A plastic carrier bag
If you don't have any elastic hair ties you could use some plain elastic and tie or sew it into a circle.
Note: for larger bags just increase size either by adding more groups of 2dc 2ch, or by doing more rows/rounds or by using a larger hook and thicker yarn. You will also need a larger hair tie or use elastic made into a ring.
To begin you need to crochet around the elastic band - if you need to know how to do this you can follow my instructions in this short video here:
First round: You will be crocheting around the hair tie - Crochet 2 double crochet followed by two chain - repeat 6 times more and join with a slip stitch into the first double crochet. (28 stitches) - The reason for adding the chains is to allow the elastic to stretch more easily, if you did all double crochet it might be too tight.
2nd round: 2 chain, one dc in every stitch (e.g: on this round one double crochet in each double crochet of previous round and one double crochet in each chain of previous round) - join with a slip stitch when you get back to the first 2 chain.
3rd round: 2 chain, one dc in every stitch
4 - 8th round: Repeat round three 5 times more
9th round: 2 chain, decrease by working one double crochet into two stitches, repeat to end and join round with a slip stitch
10th and 11th Round: Repeat round 9.
Fasten off, cut yarn leaving a large enough tail to thread through end to close any remaining hole, sew in end. Also sew in end of starting thread.
Snout: make 15 chain cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread the yarn back through the chain stitches and draw up - this creates a blob which you can pull into shape and sew on for the snout.

Leave a long tail as you begin as this will make sewing them on easier.
Make 6 chain, work 1 double crochet in 2nd chain from hook and then 1 double crochet in next 4 chain. Turn
Slip stitch into next double crochet, then slip stitch into the next.
Fasten off and weave in end.
Sew in place with pointed end upwards as the top of the ear
Then embroider features. See my blog post here for adding french knot eyes French Knot Features
Rabbit (or lamb!)
Using contrast colour (I used pink) make 7 chain and work 1 double crochet in 2nd chain from hook, 1 double crochet in next 5 chains. Fasten off.
Join main colour (I used white) Working in back loops of double crochet only, start at one end and work 5 double crochet up one side, two in the top to make a point and 5 down the other side in the starting chain edges. (Hope this makes sense!)
Fasten off and sew in ends, sew in place.
Add features.
Now simply stuff your plastic bag into the animal head and you are ready to go, add a keychain fixed to the hair tie if you wish, then you can then carry your little holder on your handbag.
I must say that the piggy looks a bit more like a pink Shrek! :)
You could experiment with features adding your own ideas and using other colours to create different animals.
Happy crocheting!
Terms of use:
The pattern is free to use for personal use only. You may not copy, reproduce, sell, distribute physically or digitally or put the pattern on your own blog/website - instead please provide a link back to my blog or Ravelry pattern link. Please do not claim the pattern as your own. Please credit Pookie Doodle Crafts www.pookiedoodlecrafts.co.uk as the designer and provide a link where possible. If you make something similar using my idea please add "inspired by Pookie Doodle Crafts" and if you let me know I will promote yours too - I think we should all work together to share ideas :)
The items you make: You may do what you like with the items you make from the pattern but please give me credit for the design where possible. I would love to see your creations please do share them. If you sell them and make a reasonable profit please consider making a little donation to a charity from it - I would really appreciate that and thank you in advance :)
Find me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PookieDoodleCrafts and Ravelry: www.ravelry.com/people/pookiedoodle