Thursday 3 September 2015

Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtle Bookmark

My seven year old grandson love the 'Turtles' and also loves reading, so I made this bookmark for him.

I didn't have a pattern so just made up what I thought might work.

I began with a magic ring and made a small ball shape, once I got down to what would be the neck edge I worked only on the back half of the head and continued down in treble stitches to make the bookmark body. When I got to the end I worked a treble, half treble and a double crochet, repeating the same on the other side to make a fin shape.

The fin/arms were just a few double crochet stitches into about 5 chains, shaping the ends to make it pointed.

I stuffed the head and then joined the seam to the bookmark body.

The bandana was a bit tricky but was done in double crochet and chains for the eye area, joined with a slip stitch in the middle to give a goggle effect.

When it was finished I stuck two googlie eyes to the head with PVA glue and then the bandana over them, I was lucky enough to have some green ones which gave an even better effect, but any eyes would do, or you could embroider some -  do make sure the eyes showed through the bandana before the glue dries though. I then stitched the bandana in place.

I hope these instructions might help you make one, maybe one day I will write a full pattern, but that is something I've never done - maybe time to learn :)

Happy crafting!

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